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电路设计->基础电路图->其他基础电路图->MAX1233/MAX1234 触摸屏控制器入门

MAX1233/MAX1234 触摸屏控制器入门

作者:dolphin 时间:2012-07-31 收藏


摘要:本应用笔记介绍怎样使用MAX1233/MAX1234触摸屏控制器的功能。所提供的简化控制台菜单系统支持对MAX1233/MAX1234器件寄存器的底层直接访问。每一寄存器在32个SPI时钟周期内完成读写操作。软件对每一寄存器使用简短的助记名。使用MAX1234评估板(EV Kit)和MINIQUSB+命令模块时,软件支持最大底层控制。在随附的zip文件中,提供所有源代码。 MAX1233的工作方式和

  • MAX1234一致,只是MAX1233采用3.3V供电,而不是5.0V。MAX1234评估板上的跳接器JU1使MAX1234工作在3.3V,以仿真MAX1233。注意:符号"/" (例如,/CS)表示CS、PENIRQ、KEYIRQ和BUSY引脚为低电平有效。内容目录除了提高SPI接口的/CS时序之外,固件更新还包括中断驱动脉冲累加器,在MAX1233/MAX1234配置为自动扫描模式时,支持验证/PENIRQ和/KEYIRQ是否发送其自清除中断脉冲。/PENIRQ的持续时间取决于所配置的ADC转换率,/KEYIRQ的持续时间取决于所配置的开关反弹时间。

    1.3) 设置

    下载并解压缩应用笔记文件 (ZIP, 2.4MB)。根据图1来组装硬件。表1. MAX1234评估板和MINIQUSB+电路板之间的连接设置
    MAX1234 SignalMAX1234 EV KitMINIQUSB-X+MINIQUSB Signal
    VCCJ1-7H2-13.3V supply from MINIQUSB+
    BUSY-BarJ1-27H2-7GPIO-K7 (MAXQ2000-INT2)
    PENIRQ-BarJ1-29H1-3GPIO-K6 (MAXQ2000-INT1)
    KEYIRQ-BarJ1-31H1-8GPIO-K5 (MAXQ2000-INT0)
    DOUTJ1-35*H2-2MISO (SPI master in, slave out)
    DINJ1-36*H2-5MOSI (SPI master out, slave in)
    SCLKJ1-37*H2-3SCLK (SPI clock)
    CS-BarJ1-38H2-4CS-bar (SPI chip select)
    USB+5VJ1-5J4-7USB+5V supply from PC
    * 注释:必须通过连接器J1来驱动MAX1234评估板数字输入,不能直接将其驱动至U1周围的测试点。必须采用板上MAX1841电平转换器来驱动MAX1234评估板数字信号。
  • 将MINIQUSB+插入到扩展板的顶部。
  • 连接MINIQUSB+和PC的USB端口。如果这是MINIQUSB+第一次和PC连接,将出现即插即用向导。指南窗口将提示器件驱动器(它包含在随附zip文件中)的安装位置。
  • 启动固件更新批处理文件FWUPDATE.BAT来更新MINIQUSB+固件。
  • 固件更新完成后,从PC的USB端口断开MINIQUSB+。
  • 图1. 硬件配置(在后面章节中连接触摸屏)。图2. 系统图片,使用一个3M内部连接器来连接MINIQUSB+和MAX1234评估板。

    1.4) 步骤

    1. 将MAX1234评估板跳接器JU1设置到“MAX1234”位置。
    2. 将MINIQUSB+连接至PC的USB端口。确定DACOUT电压 = mid-scale (2.2V)。
    3. 启动DEMO1234.EXE程序。屏幕上将出现控制台。
    4. 在控制台中输入下面的命令序列。
    表2. 连接并验证命令序列
    DEMO1234 Command*
    Expected Program Output
    SPI data in
    Board connected.Got board banner: Maxim MINIQUSB V01.05.41 Firmware version is OK.(configured for SPI auto-CS 4-byte mode) (SCLK=2MHz) ...
    T W DD FF
    Write_Register(regAddr=0x000b wr_DAC_data        ,data=0x00ff(no bits defined for this register)) result = 1
    0x000b 0x00ffDACOUT = full-scale (4.5V)
    T R DD
    Read_Register(regAddr=0x800b wr_DAC_data         ) result = 1,buffer = 0x00ff = 255(no bits defined for this register)
    0x800b 0x0000Data buffer = 0x00ff
    T W DD 80
        Write_Register(regAddr=0x000b wr_DAC_data        ,data=0x0080(no bits defined for this register)) result = 1
    0x000b 0x0080DACOUT = mid-scale (2.2V)
    T R DD
    Read_Register(regAddr=0x800b wr_DAC_data         ) result = 1,buffer = 0x0080 = 128(no bits defined for this register)
    0x800b 0x0000data buffer = 0x0080
    * DEMO1234 Command命令列出了输入到DEMO1234.exe程序中的命令。

    1.5) SPI data in实例格式

    SPI data in一列列出了驱动至MAX1233/MAX1234 DIN引脚的SPI数据,采用了十六进制格式,最高有效字节在前。例如,序列0x000b 0x00ff中的SPI数据表示同步输入到DIN的32位序列是0000 0000 0000 1011 0000 0000 1111 1111。第一位0用于寄存器写操作,1用于寄存器读操作。寄存器写操作是0000 0000 a7-a0 d15-d0格式的32位SPI传送过程。

    2) 模拟I/O实例


    2.1) 控制DAC输出电压

    由两个寄存器来控制DAC。写入DAC数据寄存器来设置输出电压。写入DAC控制寄存器来关断或者对DAC上电。默认上电状态是DAC加电,DAC输出位于量程中部。DAC满量程电压通常为AVDD的90% (最小85%,最大95%)。对于AVDD = 3.3V ±5%,DACOUT满量程范围在2.65V和3.27V之间,通常为2.96V。表3. DAC输出命令
    DEMO1234 Command
    SPI data in
    MAX1233 (3.3V)MAX1234 (5.0V)
    T W DD FF
    DACOUT = full-scale
    0x000b 0x00ff
    DACOUT = 2.96VDACOUT = 4.48V
    T W DD 00
    DACOUT = 0V
    0x000b 0x0000
    DACOUT = 0.0VDACOUT = 0.0V
    T W DD 80
    DACOUT = mid-scale
    0x000b 0x0080
    DACOUT = 1.485VDACOUT = 2.25V
    T W DC 8000
    Disable DAC
    0x0042 0x8000
    DACOUT = 0.0VDACOUT = 0.0V
    T W DC 0
    Enable DAC
    0x0042 0x0000
    DACOUT = 1.485VDACOUT = 2.25V
    对于第一次诊断,保持上电模式(ADC3210 = 0000,RES10 = 01)支持使用手持式DVM对基准电压进行外部验证。ADC扫描选择位设置为0000,写入ADC控制寄存器(0x40),来设置ADC基准电源模式。RES1/RES0位选择基准电源模式,基准控制位RFV选择内部1.0V或者2.5V基准(请参考MAX1233/MAX1234数据资料的表13)。ADC控制字:x x 0 0 0 0 RES1 RES0 x x x x x x x RFV表4. 内部基准命令
    DEMO1234 Command
    SPI data in
    T W AC 0100
    Internal 1V reference always powered; write ADC control word with 表5. 外部基准命令
    DEMO1234 Command
    SPI data in
    T W AC 0300
    External reference must be provided;

    2.3) 测量外部电压输入AUX1和AUX2

    表6. ADC测量命令序列
    DEMO1234 Command
    Action (Triggered by A/D3210 Bits)
    SPI data in
    T M8
    Measure AUX1 with 12-bit resolution and 3.5µs conversion rate
    0x0040 0x2301
    0x8008 0x0000
    0x8005 0x0000
    T W AC 1b01
    Trigger ADC scan of BAT1;
    0x8006 0x0000
    0x8009 0x0000
    T W AC 2b01
    Trigger ADC scan of TEMP1;
    0x8009 0x0000

    2.8) 将TEMP1转换结果译为物理值

        /* ADC control resolution value selects num_codes 4096 (12-bit), 1024 (10-bit), or 256 (8-bit) */int num_codes = 4096; /* ADC_control_RES11: 12-bit resolution *//* Voltage that corresponds to the full-scale ADC code; may be internal 1V or 2.5V ref, or ext ref. */double ADC_fullscale_voltage = 2.5; /* ADC_control_RFV=1: VREF=2.5V.  RFV=0: VREF=1.0V. *//* TEMP1_code is the 16-bit result read by SPI command 0x8009 */double TEMP1_Voltage = (TEMP1_code * ADC_fullscale_voltage) / num_codes;/* Calibration values */const double Temp1V_Room = 0.590; // temp1 voltage at room temperature 25Cconst double Temp1K_Room = 298.15;  // Room temperature Kelvins (298.15K=25C)const double Temp1V_Per_K = -0.002; // TempCo -2mV per degree C/* Convert to absolute temperature */double Kelvin = (TEMP1_Voltage - Temp1V_Room) / Temp1V_Per_K + Temp1K_Room;/* Optional conversion to commonly used temperature units */double Centigrade = Kelvin - 273.15;double Fahrenheit = (Centigrade * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32;

    2.9) 将TEMP1和TEMP2转换结果译为物理值

        /* ADC control resolution value selects num_codes 4096 (12-bit), 1024 (10-bit), or 256 (8-bit) */int num_codes = 4096; /* ADC_control_RES11: 12-bit resolution *//* Voltage that corresponds to the full-scale ADC code; may be internal 1V or 2.5V ref, or ext ref. */double ADC_fullscale_voltage = 2.5; /* ADC_control_RFV=1: VREF=2.5V.  RFV=0: VREF=1.0V. *//* TEMP1_code is the 16-bit result read by SPI command 0x8009 */double TEMP1_Voltage = (TEMP1_code * ADC_fullscale_voltage) / num_codes;/* TEMP2_code is the 16-bit result read by SPI command 0x800a */double TEMP2_Voltage = (TEMP2_code * ADC_fullscale_voltage) / num_codes;/* Calibration values */const double K_Per_Temp21_Delta_V = 2680.0; // nominal 2680 5/27/2002/* Convert to absolute temperature */double Kelvin = (TEMP2_Voltage - TEMP1_Voltage) * K_Per_Temp21_Delta_V;/* Optional conversion to commonly used temperature units */double Centigrade = Kelvin - 273.15;double Fahrenheit = (Centigrade * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32;

    2.10) 测量外部电压输入AUX1、AUX2、BAT1、BAT2和温度

    表9. ADC测量命令序列
    DEMO1234 Command
    Action (Triggered by A/D3210 Bits)
    SPI data in
    T MB
    Measure BAT1/4, BAT2/4, AUX1, AUX2, TEMP1, TEMP2 with 12-bit resolution and 3.5µs conversion rate
    0x0040 0x2f01
    0x8006 0x0000
    0x8008 0x0000
    0x800a 0x0000
    T W AC 2f01
    Trigger ADC scan of BAT1-2, AUX1-2, TEMP1-2;

    3) 触摸屏实例


    3.1) 低成本商用触摸屏

    在互联网上搜索"PDA Digitizer/Glasstop",寻找合适的替代触摸屏。高清触摸屏玻璃的价格范围在50美元至10美元之间,价格取决于型号以及玻璃是否全部贴在显示屏上。

    3.2) 连接触摸屏和评估板


    3.3) 检验触摸屏的连接

    第一次连接触摸屏时,通过下面的步骤来验证X和Y连接是否正确。可以有几个触摸屏交叉连接,但大部分不会正常工作。在这些例子中,我们假设X- = left,X+ = right,Y- = top,Y+ = bottom。表10. 触摸屏物理连接验证命令序列
    DEMO1234 Command
    SPI data in
    Connect DVM to X+/GND
    T MD
    No measurement; drive Y+,Y-
    0x0040 0x3701
    Touch top leftX+ = approx. Y-
    Touch top rightX+ = approx. Y-
    Touch bottom leftX+ = approx. Y+
    Touch bottom rightX+ = approx. Y+
    Connect DVM to Y+/GND
    T ME
    No measurement; drive X+,X-
    0x0040 0x3b01
    Touch top leftY+ = approx. X-
    Touch top rightY+ = approx. X+
    Touch bottom leftY+ = approx. X-
    Touch bottom rightY+ = approx. X+

    3.4) 检测触摸屏的操作:根据需要扫描

    在配置MAX1234检测触摸屏操作,根据需要数字化接触屏的位置时,写入寄存器0x40 (ADC控制),其PENSTS=0,ADSTS=0 (请参考MAX1233/MAX1234数据资料的表6)。读取寄存器0x00 (X轴)后,检测到后续的触摸屏操作时,/PENIRQ信号锁存至低电平,在写入ADC控制寄存器测量X、Y轴之前,保持低电平。 表12. 触摸屏检测命令序列:根据需要扫描
    DEMO1234 Command
    SPI data in
    T W AC 0b01
    Demand scan
    0x0040 0x0b01
    T R AX
    Read conversion result register X
    0x8000 0x0000
    P R 6
    Read PENIRQ-bar pin statusPENIRQ = 1
    Touch the touch screen
    P R 6
    Read PENIRQ-bar pin statusPENIRQ = 0
    T M2
    Measure X,Y,Z1,Z2
    0x0040 0x0b01
    0x8001 0x0000
    0x8003 0x0000
    P R 6
    Read PENIRQ-bar pin statusPENIRQ = 1
    Touch and hold the touch screen
    P R 6
    Read PENIRQ-bar pin statusPENIRQ = 0
    T M2
    Measure X,Y,Z1,Z2
    0x0040 0x0b01
    0x8001 0x0000
    0x8003 0x0000
    P R 6
    Read PENIRQ-bar pin statusPENIRQ = 0
    T M2
    Measure X,Y,Z1,Z2
    0x0040 0x0b01
    0x8001 0x0000
    0x8003 0x0000
    P R 6
    Read PENIRQ-bar pin statusPENIRQ = 0
    Release the touch screen
    P R 6
    Read PENIRQ-bar pin statusPENIRQ = 0
    T M2
    Measure X,Y,Z1,Z2
    0x0040 0x0b01
    0x8001 0x0000
    0x8003 0x0000
    P R 6
    Read PENIRQ-bar pin statusPENIRQ = 1
    表13. 触摸屏检测命令序列:自动扫描
    DEMO1234 Command
    SPI data in
    Optional: connect oscilloscope to PENIRQ-bar
    I C 1 3
    Configure PENIRQ-bar pulse accumulator: falling-edge trigger
    I 0 1
    Reset the pulse accumulator
    I R 1
    Read the number of times PENIRQ-bar has pulsed lowcount = 0
    T W AC 8bff
    Wait for touch, then scan X,Y,Z1,Z2
    0x0040 0x8bff
    Touch the touch screenPENIRQ pulse
    I R 1
    Read the number of times PENIRQ-bar has pulsed lowcount has increased
    T R P
    Read X,Y,Z1,Z2 conversion results
    0x8000 0x0000
    0x8002 0x0000
    0x8001 0x0000
    0x8003 0x0000
    Touch the touch screenPENIRQ pulse
    I R 1
    Read the number of times PENIRQ-bar has pulsed lowcount has increased
    T R P
    Read X,Y,Z1,Z2 conversion results
    0x8000 0x0000
    0x8002 0x0000

    4) 键盘和通用输入/输出引脚


    4.1) 配置键盘和GPIO引脚

    GPIO控制寄存器将每个C1–C4和R1–R4引脚分别配置为输入、输出或者是键盘的一部分(请参考MAX1233/MAX1234数据资料的表26和表27)。此外,写入GPIO上拉禁止寄存器,将输出引脚配置为开漏输出。表14. 键盘和GPIO配置实例
    DEMO1234 Command
    SPI data in
    Keypad: none;GPIO inputs: none
    0x004f 0xffff
    T W GC FF00
    Keypad: none;GPIO outputs: none;GPIO outputs: C4,C3;

    4.2) 读写GPIO引脚

    GPIO数据寄存器读取GPIO输入引脚,写入GPIO输出引脚。注意:在这些例子中,C3、C4和R4是引脚名称,而不是元件名称。表15. GPIO实例
    DEMO1234 Command
    SPI data in
    T W GC C8C0

    4.3) 检测按键:自动扫描

    可以配置键盘控制寄存器在探测到有按键按下时,自动扫描键盘。表16. 按键命令序列:自动扫描
    DEMO1234 Command
    SPI data in
    Optional: connect oscilloscope to KEYIRQ-bar
    I C 0 3
    Configure KEYIRQ-bar pulse accumulator: falling-edge trigger
    I 0 0
    Reset the pulse accumulator
    I R 0
    Read the number of times KEYIRQ-bar has pulsed lowcount = 0
    T W GC 0000

    4.4) 从键盘中屏蔽单个按键

    使用键盘屏蔽寄存器和键盘2结果寄存器来屏蔽每个按键。屏蔽掉的按键被扫描至KPD寄存器,但是不在键盘2结果寄存器中报告。表17. 按键命令序列:屏蔽单个按键
    DEMO1234 Command
    SPI data in
    T W GC 0000

    4.5) 从键盘中屏蔽一列

    使用键盘列寄存器来屏蔽所有列。不扫描屏蔽列,因此,KPD寄存器不会探测这些列中的按键。表18. 按键命令序列:屏蔽键盘的一列
    DEMO1234 Command
    SPI data in
    T W GC 0000

    5) 电源管理

    表19. 关断命令
    DEMO1234 Command
    SPI data in
    T W AC C000
    Power off ADC
    0x0040 0xc000
    T W AC 0300
    Power off internal reference
    0x0040 0x0300
    REF = not driven
    T W DC 8000
    Disable DAC
    0x0042 0x8000
    DACOUT = 0.0V
    T W KC C000
    Power off keypad
    0x0041 0xc000
    CmodComm测试程序主菜单—在连接前对C (连接)命令的响应Board connected.Got board banner: Maxim MINIQUSB V01.05.41 主菜单—连接后有效R) CmodBoardReset测试菜单命令—连接后有效

    6.1) 寄存器读/写命令

    表20. 读取寄存器助记符
    DEMO1234 Command
    SPI data in
    T R A1
    Test Read AUX1 register
    0x8007 0x0000
    T R A2
    Test Read AUX2 register
    0x8008 0x0000
    T R AC
    Test Read ADC_control register
    0x8040 0x0000
    T R AX
    Test Read X register
    0x8000 0x0000
    T R AY
    Test Read Y register
    0x8001 0x0000
    T R AZ1
    Test Read Z1 register
    0x8002 0x0000
    T R AZ2
    Test Read Z2 register
    0x8003 0x0000
    T R B1
    Test Read BAT1 register
    0x8005 0x0000
    T R B2
    Test Read BAT2 register
    0x8006 0x0000
    T R DC
    Test Read DAC_control register
    0x8042 0x0000
    T R DD
    Test Read DAC_data register
    0x800b 0x0000
    T R GC
    Test Read GPIO_control register
    0x804f 0x0000
    T R GD
    Test Read GPIO_data register
    0x800f 0x0000
    T R GP
    Test Read GPIO_pullup register
    0x804e 0x0000
    T R K1
    Test Read KPDATA1 register
    0x8010 0x0000
    T R K2
    Test Read KPDATA2 register
    0x8011 0x0000
    T R KB
    Test Read KPD register
    0x8004 0x0000
    T R KC
    Test Read KEY_control register
    0x8041 0x0000
    T R KK
    Test Read KPCOLMASK register
    0x8051 0x0000
    T R KM
    Test Read KPKEYMASK register
    0x8050 0x0000
    T R T1
    Test Read TEMP1 register
    0x8009 0x0000
    T R T2
    Test Read TEMP2 register
    0x800a 0x0000
    表22. 触摸屏测量命令序列
    DEMO1234 Command
    Action (Triggered by A/D3210 Bits)
    SPI data in Sequence
    T M1
    Measure X,Y
    0x0040 0x0701

    6.2) 中断和状态引脚命令

    表23. 引脚状态读取命令
    DEMO1234 Command
    SPI data in
    P R 5
    Read KEYIRQ-bar pin statusN/A
    I C 0 3
    Enable KEYIRQ-bar falling-edge trigger pulse accumulatorN/A
    I C 0 1
    Enable KEYIRQ-bar rising-edge trigger pulse accumulatorN/A
    I C 0 0
    Disable KEYIRQ-bar pulse accumulatorN/A
    I R 0
    Read the number of times KEYIRQ-bar has pulsed lowN/A
    I 0 0
    Clear the KEYIRQ-bar pulse accumulatorN/A
    P R 6
    Read PENIRQ-bar pin statusN/A
    I C 1 3
    Enable PENIRQ-bar falling-edge trigger pulse accumulatorN/A
    I C 1 1
    Enable PENIRQ-bar rising-edge trigger pulse accumulatorN/A
    I C 1 0
    Disable PENIRQ-bar pulse accumulatorN/A
    I R 1
    Read the number of times PENIRQ-bar has pulsed lowN/A
    I 0 1
    Clear the PENIRQ-bar pulse accumulatorN/A
    P R 7
    Read BUSY-bar pin statusN/A
    表25. 更新后MINIQUSB+固件01.05.41中的中断脉冲累加器命令
    DEMO1234 Command
    ActionIntGPIO Input
    Firmware Command
     2 C3 00
    Query which of the C3 commands are supported; the return value is a 2-byte bitmap of commands C300 to C30F, msb first
    C3 00
    I Q 0
    Query configuration of pulse accumulatorINT0GPIO-K5
    C3 01 00
    I Q 1
    Query configuration of pulse accumulatorINT1GPIO-K6
    C3 01 01
    I Q 2
    Query configuration of pulse accumulatorINT2GPIO-K7
    C3 01 02
    I Q 3
    Query configuration of pulse accumulatorINT3GPIO-K8
    C3 01 03
    I C 0 0
    Configure pulse accumulator: disable interruptINT0GPIO-K5
    C3 02 00 00
    I C 1 0
    Configure pulse accumulator: disable interruptINT1GPIO-K6
    C3 02 01 00
    I C 2 0
    Configure pulse accumulator: disable interruptINT2GPIO-K7
    C3 02 02 00
    I C 3 0
    Configure pulse accumulator: disable interruptINT3GPIO-K8
    C3 02 03 00
    I C 0 1
    Configure pulse accumulator: rising-edge triggerINT0GPIO-K5
    C3 02 00 01
    I C 1 1
    Configure pulse accumulator: rising-edge triggerINT1GPIO-K6
    C3 02 01 01
    I C 2 1
    Configure pulse accumulator: rising-edge triggerINT2GPIO-K7
    C3 02 02 01
    I C 3 1
    Configure pulse accumulator: rising-edge triggerINT3GPIO-K8
    C3 02 03 01
    I C 0 3
    Configure pulse accumulator: falling-edge triggerINT0GPIO-K5
    C3 02 00 03
    I C 1 3
    Configure pulse accumulator: falling-edge triggerINT1GPIO-K6
    C3 02 01 03
    I C 2 3
    Configure pulse accumulator: falling-edge triggerINT2GPIO-K7
    C3 02 02 03
    I C 3 3
    Configure pulse accumulator: falling-edge triggerINT3GPIO-K8
    C3 02 03 03
    I R 0
    Read pulse accumulatorINT0GPIO-K5
    C3 03 00
    I R 1
    Read pulse accumulatorINT1GPIO-K6
    C3 03 01
    I R 2
    Read pulse accumulatorINT2GPIO-K7
    C3 03 02
    I R 3
    Read pulse accumulatorINT3GPIO-K8
    C3 03 03
    I 0 0
    Clear pulse accumulatorINT0GPIO-K5
    C3 04 00
    I 0 1
    Clear pulse accumulatorINT1GPIO-K6
    C3 04 01
    I 0 2
    Clear pulse accumulatorINT2GPIO-K7
    C3 04 02
    I 0 3
    Clear pulse accumulatorINT3GPIO-K8
    C3 04 03
    I S 0 xx
    Set pulse accumulator count xx = 0 to 255INT0GPIO-K5
    C3 05 00 xx
    I S 1 xx
    Set pulse accumulator count xx = 0 to 255INT1GPIO-K6
    C3 05 01 xx
    I S 2 xx
    Set pulse accumulator count xx = 0 to 255INT2GPIO-K7
    C3 05 02 xx
    I S 3 xx
    Set pulse accumulator count xx = 0 to 255INT3GPIO-K8
    C3 05 03 xx

    7) 结论

    关键词: 电子电路图 MAX1

